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Latest Reseller Hosting News

Last information update - Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Upcoming cPanel reseller plans price update

In the face of skyrocketing licensing fees and data center bills, we are forced to adjust our cPanel reseller packages pricing accordingly. See the new prices in our blog post.

Friday, February 10, 2023

Key marketing objectives for a prosperous 2023

With more than a month into 2023, here are a few marketing resolutions that could help fuel your reseller hosting business engine throughout 2023 and beyond.

Tuesday, February 07, 2023

Commission payments for December 2022

Today, we will be sending out all commission payments for December 2022 to resellers that have met their release level.

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Discontinued support for domain extensions related to phishing activity in trial accounts

As of today, domain extensions that are most often a target of malicious campaigns will no longer be supported in trial web hosting accounts. Find out which domain extensions will be impacted from our blog post.

Monday, January 23, 2023

Exclusive nTLD offers now live for a fresh beginning of 2023

We have activated more than 60 nTLD offers across our free reseller hosting platform. Learn more about the available domain promotions in our latest blog post.

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Upcoming price update on selected TLDs

In the past few months, a lot of domain registrars have raised the registration prices for many TLDs. Unfortunately, this means that we will also have to raise our prices.

Monday, January 09, 2023

Commission payments for November 2022

Today, we will be sending out all commission payments for November 2022 to resellers that have met their release level.

Thursday, December 22, 2022

Happy Holidays and a fruitful new 2023!

We hope the festive days fill you up with fresh energy and empower you for a happy and healthy new year.

Monday, December 19, 2022

Holiday Deals - festive discounts on OVZs and KVMs. A cPanel Reseller super sale!

The winter holidays are key to your success as an online business, and we have what you need to make your sales for the year.

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

cPanel licenses price increase

For the third year in a row, the people behind the cPanel control panel raise the cost of a cPanel license. This forces us to also raise the prices for the cPanel licenses we offer.

Thursday, December 08, 2022

Commission payments for October 2022

Today, we will be sending out all commission payments for October 2022 to resellers that have met their release level.

Thursday, December 01, 2022

Browser notifications available in the Hepsia Control Panel

The Hepsia Control Panel can now send browser notifications for time consuming tasks, such as file uploads or archive extracts. Learn more about them in our latest blog post.

Monday, November 21, 2022

Black Friday 2022 promotions

Check out our Black Friday 2022 promotions – more than 50% OFF on select Virtual Private Servers and 6 months of reduced rates for cPanel Reseller plans.

Friday, November 18, 2022

Payment processor change for credit/debit cards

Due to the upcoming sudden closing on WorldPay, we will be moving all credit/debit card processing to Stripe. Learn more about how this change will affect you and your customers.

Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Price update for .BIZ domains

As of September 1st, .BIZ domains will come with new, higher prices, dictated by a change in price at the registrar level. At the same time, we will not be raising prices for .COM, .XYZ and .CO domain registrations.

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Cloudflare integration in the Hepsia Control Panel

As of today, there is native Cloudflare integration in the Hepsia Control Panel. See how to use it in our latest blog post.

Thursday, June 09, 2022

New OpenVZ VPS server lineup

We are revamping our OpenVZ server lineup. 5 new servers will launch in two weeks' time, replacing existing plans.

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

ProperStatus is now on Telegram

Properstatus - our server monitoring platform is now available on Telegram. Learn more in our latest blog post.

Friday, April 15, 2022

DNSSEC available in Reseller Control Panel

DNSSEC - a DNS query validation technology - is now available for domains in the Reseller Control Panel.

Wednesday, April 06, 2022

ResellersPanel is now 19!

What started with just 4 people back in 2003 is still going strong 19 years later.

Friday, November 26, 2021

Black Friday 2021 promotions

Check out our Black Friday 2020 promotions - from domains just for $1 to a cPanel reseller plan with double the hosting accounts for the same price.

Friday, August 27, 2021

Why we switched to Litespeed for all cPanel Reseller servers?

We switched from Apache to Litespeed and now our cPanel servers run more efficiently. Lear more about this change and what it means for you as a reseller.

Monday, June 21, 2021

Event calendars now available

We've added new calendars in the reseller and hosting control panels. See important events about your account added automatically in your calendar app.

Monday, May 17, 2021

Our take: key differences between the Ceph and JBOF/NVMe storage systems

Today, we'll continue the journey to finding the most effective storage solution for our custom-built web hosting platform. You'll see a detailed comparison between CEPH, the solution that we used to use, and the one we use now - JBOF.

Friday, April 02, 2021

ResellersPanel turns 18!

The 2nd of April has always been special for us at ResellersPanel, as it marks our birthday. Over the years, we've shared a lot about how our company grew from a small startup to what we are today. For our 18th birthday, we want to share with you the story of how everything started.

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Tap into the growing online business market with a set of new, specialized domain extensions

With the new set of domain extensions we introduce to you today, you can target the ever-growing base of ready-to-go online businesses, such as coffee shops, wineries, farms, gyms, restaurants, and schools, helping them virtualize their activity in a distinctive, niche-specific way.

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Get into the shopping season with a brand-new line of Xeon Scalable, NVMe-based dedicated servers

In the pandemic lead-up to the peak holiday season, with buyers getting pickier on promo offers and paying more attention to long-term benefits, we are glad to introduce a brand new line of Xeon Scalable, NVMe SSD-based dedicated servers and an overall price revision of the legacy setups.

Friday, November 20, 2020

Align your portfolio with the season of great savings by offering a set of promo-inspired TLDs on your store

With the season of hot deals and best bargains just around the corner, we are happy to present a new line of domain names that can help you and your customers get a distinctive, promo-spirit-infused namespace where prospects can easily reach you from the comfort of their home and stay safe.

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Bring the spirit of collaboration to your domain portfolio with the new set of nTLDs added to our platform

Open your store to the values of collectivity and collaboration in social and economic by including the newly introduced line of nTLDs to your domain portfolio - .LTD, .ENTERPRISES, .PARTNERS, .INTERNATIONAL, .CONSULTING, .GROUP, and .FOUNDATION.

Friday, October 30, 2020

The NVMe revolution – how we deployed NVMe as a storage solution to optimize performance and overheads (UPDATED)

Today, we'll share our journey to finding the most cost-effective storage solution for our specific, custom-built web hosting platform. You'll see how our hands-on experience with mainstream storage solutions has helped us finally go for a storage setup that provides the quality of service your customers seek.

Tuesday, October 06, 2020

Add a tech feel to your domain portfolio with a bunch of IT-related, promo-priced nTLDs

We’ve just released a bunch of new, IT-industry related TLDs to help you address more tech-savvy target audiences. Learn more about the marketing powers of .DIGITAL, .EMAIL, .NETWORK, .SOFTWARE, .SYSTEMS, .TECHNOLOGY and .COMPUTER, and see how you can offer them in your store at exclusive promo prices from our blog.

Monday, September 14, 2020

The 1-click Web Apps and Frameworks Installers have been updated with more new, popular installs

The 1-click Web Apps Installer and the Frameworks Installer have been refreshed with a host of new, popular open-source additions to their listings. Learn more from our blog.

Friday, August 21, 2020

NVMe SSDs—The Unleashed Power of Flash Storage

The NVMe technology is the key factor for catalyzing the ongoing global transition to high-speed SSD storage for performance-intensive workloads. To keep you up to speed with the hot storage trends, we are taking an introductory look at the NVMe technology and its growing importance for data-driven businesses.

Friday, August 07, 2020

3 clever tactics to use new domain extensions to build a memorable brand

Using new domain extensions to create a memorable online presence can truly boost your brand and help you make the most of your promotion activities. Here are a few ways you can use the power of nTLDs to build a distinctive online identity.

Friday, July 24, 2020

cPanel Control Panel option restored for VPS's and dedicated servers. A new pricing scheme in place.

The cPanel Control Panel option for KVM's, OpenVZ VPS's and dedicated servers has been restored across our platform. Check out the new pricing tiers for VPS's and dedicated servers from our blog.

Friday, July 10, 2020

The new PHP 8.0 (Alpha) version has been added to the Control Panel

The PHP 8.0 Alpha version has been enabled in the Web Hosting Control Panel. Learn how you can use it for your own, testing purposes.

Friday, July 03, 2020

How to protect your domain name from phishing and other scam activities – best practice guidelines from ICANN

Check out the latest ICANN security guidelines that are aimed at helping domain owners keep their domains safe from phishing and similar malicious scam activities. 

Friday, June 26, 2020

A look back at how cPanel's new pricing model changed the market and helped new alternatives shine through

We’re taking a quick look back at the event that changed the web hosting industry for good and at some of the viable cPanel alternatives that helped save the market by offering a choice. As a free reseller, you can offer these solutions to your own customers and be part of the new direction the web hosting industry is heading to. Learn more about the whole story from our new blog post.

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Marketing opportunities you can leverage now to prepare your business for a post-pandemic world

As a web hosting provider, you have the opportunity of operating in an industry that is helping the world navigate offline uncertainties by transferring business and social life to the realms of the safe, digital ecosystem.Here are some tips that will help you make progress with your marketing efforts and take them to a new, long-term level.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Growth opportunities for web hosting businesses amidst the COVID crisis

Learn more about the benefits of running a web hosting business in lockdown times and how you can leverage the dynamic pandemic situation to build a reputable brand online.

Friday, May 15, 2020

10 ways to win over startup challenges - a checklist for founders

Managing a startup and keeping it afloat is an incomparable task. While founders have the best knowledge and resources to grow a startup, sometimes changing times (for example, a pandemic) takes a toll on them. Here's a best-practice checklist that could help startup leaders sail through adverse times.

Tuesday, May 05, 2020

May starts with an exclusive 80% OFF .EU promotion for your stores

We are celebrating Europe Day with a great, 80% discount on new .EU registrations. This is a fantastic opportunity for you to add another discounted service to your portfolio and help homebound, economically stranded prospects get online for a reduced cost in pandemic times. The .EU promotion will be running until May 31st.

Friday, April 24, 2020

ResellersPanel turns 17 years old! We celebrate with a great Birthday Sale across the Free and cPanel reseller platforms

ResellersPanel turns 17 years old this month! It is our pleasure to have you by our "reseller hosting" side and we'd like to reward you with a host of service promotions across our Free and cPanel reseller hosting programs. Learn more about the Birthday Sale offers from our blog.

Friday, April 17, 2020

Upcoming Birthday Sale across the Free and cPanel Reseller programs

This April, we're blowing out the candles and celebrating 17 years of experience in the reseller hosting industry. To mark this milestone, we are launching a massive 50% off discount on selected server hosting packages and 17% off the Unlimited cPanel plans next week. Stay tuned!

Monday, April 13, 2020

Quarantine times - a chance to improve your online business skill set and take better control of your store

We'd like to share with you a roundup of free resources that could help you enhance your overall online business skills and become even more productive as a hosting provider. The list is about to get bigger as we keep adding new, free, online course discoveries.

Monday, March 30, 2020

Quarantine times - how to offer benefits to your prospects in a period of crisis

With a global quarantine underway and people gathering online to address the challenges posed by COVID-19, here are some tips on how you can address the needs of remotely working users as a member of our free reseller program.

Friday, March 20, 2020

A few important updates to the PHP Settings section of the Control Panel

We've made a few visual and functional updates to the PHP settings section of the Web Hosting Control Panel. Learn more about that from our blog.

Thursday, March 05, 2020

Expand your domain portfolio with a few, newly introduced, popular nTLDs

We are pleased to announce the addition of 5 new domain extensions to the selection of TLDs you could offer under your brand. Learn more from our blog.

Monday, February 24, 2020

The proposed .COM price increase and the concerns it creates regarding the integrity of the DNS

As you may have already heard, Verisign - the registry behind the world's bestselling domain - .COM, is about to get a carte blanche to jack up pricing in the upcoming years. Learn more about the major concerns regarding this change.

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NOTE: We used to host an online archive of our newsletters. You can check it out here: newsletters
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