.PHOTOS Domain Names
When smartphones became a commodity rather than a luxury, there was a significant spike on the photos people take. The access to high-quality cameras in everyones pocket gave birth to many new photographers, who otherwise would not be able to afford a professional DSLR camera.
With a lot of new photographers out there, it made sense to have a domain name which is specially catered to their needs - the .PHOTOS domain extension.
Why register a .PHOTOS domain name?
The biggest advantage of .PHOTOS domain names over any other generic TLD like .COM or .SOCIAL is that they have a very narrow focus - photos and photo-related services.
This means that when a visitor sees a .PHOTOS domain, he instantly knows what to expect from the site, even before he loads it.
For example, a .PHOTOS domain extension is a great choice for a photo storage service, for a photo editing software, for a camera or a gallery app, for a personal portfolio...
This narrow focus also leads to a much more narrow target audience. However, with more and more photos taken each day, this narrow market is constantly expanding.