.COMPANY Domain Names
The .COMPANY TLD was originally released in 2014. It proved to be an immediate success with over 10,000 .COMPANY domain name registrations in the first few days. This number has risen steadily since then.
The .COMPANY extension leaves no questions about its usage – it’s intended for commercial entities, both big and small, looking to create a corporate portal using an attractive and memorable domain name. Since there are no registration restrictions, everyone in the world can get a .COMPANY domain for their website.
.COMPANY Features

.COMPANY Domain Registration & Reselling Services
ResellersPanel’s free domain name reseller program allows you to take advantage of the growing popularity of the .COMPANY TLD. You can start offering it on your online store for free, without any investment on your end. And .COMPANY is merely one of the more than 50 domain name extensions that ResellersPanel is offering to its resellers.
Additionally, you can get a .COMPANY domain name just for yourself and take advantage of the preferential prices for members of the free domain name reseller program.