.CHURCH Domain Names
The home domain extension of the Christian religious community - .CHURCH, was launched in 2014 by the Donuts Inc. registry. It has been recognized by many churches across the world as the perfect namespace where they could be spreading their faith activities online.
Why register a .CHURCH domain name?
In contrast to the .COM or .ORG extensions, which have pretty a generic feel, .CHURCH sounds right on spot giving an instant idea of what a website is about.
Especially in the USA where many church website names look familiar under the generic extensions, .CHURCH has now allowed for the creation of recognizable and shorter domain names (e.g. churchname.church instead of churchnamechurch.com) for each community.
The .CHURCH TLD is also a good choice for various denominations, pastors, youth communities, religion students, bloggers, etc. looking for a memorable and credible online presence.
Credibility is a great search ranking boost factor meaning that with the “church” keyword featured in your domain, you’ll stand a higher chance of attracting organic traffic to your site.