Reseller Domains and Private DNS Cluster

Becoming a member of our free reseller hosting program gives you many opportunities to start a web hosting business of your own at no cost.
You can use the free web address we give you when you sign. This is an excellent option for you to start your new e-store.
Because it means you do not need to pay for your own website, while you are still sorting out how to market your store and the web hosting plans you want to sell.
Once you have had time to adjust and plan your site, you can give it its own unique and memorable name. This is a crucial part for anyone who is serious about reseller hosting.
The choice of an appropriate web address or domain name for your site like can make a big difference to the success of your reseller store.
With its unique domain name your web address will look professional and it will give you the image of a well established business.
Also, the more easy to remember your website address is, the easier it will be for your visitors to find you among all the other sites and your competitors.
To help you make your private brand more recognizable online, we offer you some appealing domain name options integrated in to your personal free Reseller Control Panel.
You can take advantage of these options at any time.
Firstly, with the program you can use your existing domain by simply hosting it in your reseller account free of charge.
By bringing your existing domain name to ResellersPanel, you will be able to use our email services.
Once you set your name servers to our domain you will have to option to set up your own mailboxes like ( and (
Resellerspanel will also give you the option to transfer your domain registration to your reseller account.
This way, you can manage all of your domain setting like name servers, lock options, WHOIS Details, etc. from just one place.
If you do not have a domain name, you can register one from your reseller's panel.
Simply enter the unique part on your name into the search field of the domain manager and than select the extension for it. You can choose between various options.
If your web hosting store will be targeted at the global audience, then you should select a global extension like .com, .net, .org, .info and .biz.
If you want to target a local market, you could go with domains like .us for the USA, .de for germany for the United Kingdom or even .cn for China
All of the domain are offered to as our reseller at a preferential price. For instance, you can register .com .net .info .biz, .org and even .us for just $9 USD/year.
It would be very hard to find a lower price anywhere on the web.
By offering you low cost stand alone registration, we are giving you the opportunity to build online your own private brand with a minimum of expense.
To help you maximize your uniqueness as a private label reseller we also offer you private laable DNS cluster packages for your reseller domains.
With a private DNS cluster activated for your domain, you will be able to create your own private DNS settings for your reseller domains, as well as for your customers.
This will increase considerably the credibility of your hosting company in the eyes of your existing and prospective customers.
As you can see, the reseller domain and DNS cluster services give you the opportunity to present your own hosting company with the image of a well-established web hosting brand. So, sign up now and become a hosting packages and domain names reseller today.