cPanel Plan4 Overview

If you are looking at our cPanel reseller plan 4, there is a very good chance that you know what cPanel is and what you should be getting when you sign up.
But I'm sure you won't know is just how much more you get with
The plan gives you a license for using the WebHost Manager and distributing the cPanel Control Panel.
But here is where you will see why we are different - just look at the huge disk space and monthly traffic amounts and server resources you will get to create multiple packages for your cPanel reseller hosting store.
Each package will be equipped with a cPanel copy and a wide array of key site management features.
To give you an edge over your competitors our cPanel plan 4 also includes many unlimited features that you can resell to your clients: hosted email accounts & mailing lists, FTP accounts and MySQL databases.
Also, your clients' packages will include many site administration tools like the cPanel CGI Center, the SSL Manager, the Hotlink Protection and Cron Jobs tools, and the IP Deny Manager, and a comprehensive web statistics tool like AW Stats.
You can also offer the user-friendly Softaculous installer of various popular web applications like forums, blogs, CMS, e-commerce sites, image galleries and more, as a free bonus with your plans, yet another advantage to signing up.
Promoting our 99.9% Uptime Guarantee to your customers will add even more credibility to your hosting service.
Our cPanel plan 4 offers special cPanel free bonuses for you as well. There is extra space and extra monthly traffic, a dedicated IP address, and the option to host multiple domain names in your account.
You will find a selection of free in-house created customizable store templates and free copies of the Fantastico De Luxe tool and the ClientExec support & billing software. Also included is a deposits-free domains reseller account.
Our cPanel plan 4 is an amazing platform enabling you to successfully establish or expand your web hosting business.
Sign up today and become a cPanel web hosting reseller with ResellersPanel! It's completely risk-free, and not only will you get 24/7 technical support and our unconditional 30-day money-back guarantee, but as you now know you also get many features and bonuses that will help keep you one step ahead of other resellers in this dynamic and ever changing cPanel web hosting market.