If you are a hosting reseller, then you probably want all the products that you are offering to bear your logo. This way, the customer will get accustomed to your name and, if satisfied, is more likely to recommend you to friends and family. This type of marketing is called word-of-mouth marketing and is what a lot of companies aim to achieve, since it has the highest customer conversion rates.
With our old Control Panel, a reseller was able to modify the text shown in the Control Panel header area. With the Hepsia Control Panel, we are adding a new option - a reseller can also upload his own custom logo. This way, the logo you have spent time and effort to create can be used with your Control Panel, both in demo mode and in live mode.
In addition to the logo & text in the Control Panel header area, you can also set the background image for the whole Control Panel. You can choose whether it should be a custom image, or a larger version of your logo. You can also set the opacity of the image - if it should be more transparent or not.
Both options are accessible from inside the Reseller Control Panel.