To become an ICANN accredited registrar is not an easy thing, trust us. You have to handle monstrous amounts of paperwork alone, and let’s not forget the applicant fees. However, after much work on our end, we can proudly say that we are now officially an ICANN accredited registrar.
It was important for us to become an ICANN accredited registrar - up to this moment we had been working with for the registration of global TLDs, such as .com or .net, but to be able to offer domains without having to go to a third party is important for every reseller hosting provider - this way the given provider can have direct control over the domain prices and the domain management procedures in general.
Also, becoming an ICANN accredited registrar is an important step for our future plans. Since we don't have to use eNom's API to register domain names but our own instead, we can start working on our own domain name reseller program.
However, the benefits are not limited to us, only. See how us becoming an ICANN accredited registrar can benefit you, as a domain reseller.