If you are interested in generating a great, new revenue stream for yourself, we highly recommend that you consider our new SMS marketing program, which is open to everyonewhich is open to everyone without any specific requirements.
Realizing the incredible marketing potential of text messaging, we joined forces with one of the leading mobile SMS marketing companies in USA and launched a new web site: www.MobileSMSMarketing.com.
The program lets you cash in on the marketing power of text messaging in two winning ways - by becoming a White Label Reseller, or by signing up as an affiliate. Being a White Label Reseller you can build your own branded mobile marketing site like mobilesmsmarketing.com and have your own affiliates for a fixed monthly fee. Getting acquainted with our reseller text messaging program in details, you will be a click away from leveraging high quality messaging, content delivery and top level billing platforms.
Another option for you is to sign up as a mobile sms marketing affiliate and earn a 30% commission for every customer that you refer, as well as 10% off of all the subsequent message purchases. Simply sign up free of charge and post one of our ready-made banners on your site.
Text messaging is all around us and has become an integral part of our daily life. Its marketing influence is yet to be acknowledged worldwide. Now is the right time to jump in and be many key steps ahead of the others.