Publish Date: Tuesday, September 21, 2004
We have received several e-mails containing questions about the terms under which the renewal of the expiring web hosting accounts and domain names is conducted. In close conjunction with this, we took the decision to publish some useful information about this process.
What we would like to begin with is that you get a reseller commission each time a customer of yours decides to keep his/her account after its date of expiry. At this stage, the renewal of the hosting accounts can be made in consistence with a 12-month cycle.
The mechanism of determining resellers' commissions is one and the same no matter if it is about a first sale or a renewal. It represents the difference between the offered by our company wholesale price and your retail price. There is no requirement for the hosting packages and domain names renewal to be executed at the price that was valid for their initial purchase. Each web hosting reseller is authorized to define the most suitable price level, as well as to change it afterwards, if needed, through the Reseller Control Panel. Namely the price that has been added there for the last time is considered by us as valid at the moment of the account renewal.
All of your hosting customers can prolong the hosting accounts and domain registration through their Web Hosting Control Panel.