Publish Date: Monday, December 06, 2004
Resellers Panel is happy to announce that together with the new design of our website, we have launched a Reseller Forum. The Forum provides a place where our current and potential resellers can read news about our reseller web hosting service and system, ask pre-sale and support questions, comment on our services or simply exchange web design and web development opinions and advice among each other. You can access the forum from the main page of our website.
With the launch of the ResellersPanel Forum, we are extending the list of support options available to our resellers. We currently provide expert round the clock support to our resellers by e-mail, telephone (US +1 510 870 0646), live chat, the Reseller Forum, and a ticketing system, which regrettably few of our resellers choose to use. Any reseller can open a ticket on a troublesome issue through their Reseller Control Panel, using their username and password.
The introduction of the Reseller Forum nearly exhausts the possible options of providing support services to our valued resellers. Perhaps the only missing option is support provided through Skype or a similar communications program. However, we are already considering the introduction of such option in the future.
Resellers Panel is continually striving to improve its services and provide the best reseller hosting program available on the Internet. Our unique free reseller hosting program is open to anybody, who wishes to become our reseller.