Virtual Private Server
The steadily progressive growth in the world of web design has led to the creation of more and more complex websites and applications. And to meet the demands of the market, the Virtual Private Server (VPS) was introduced. And to meet the ever-changing market demands, ResellersPanel offers you 3 powerful VPS server configurations.
Freedom of choice - choose the Operating System you want!
The way the VPS gives you freedom in your hosting endeavors, we give you the freedom to choose which Operating System (OS) will power the VPS. You can choose from 3 different Operating System setups: CentOS, Debian and Ubuntu.
VPS Hosting Reseller
The VPS servers are also a very good solution for a starter hosting reseller company - you can offer not only hosting accounts, but also hosting reseller accounts. If you are planning to run a dedicated hosting reseller enterprise you will need a complete dedicated server solution, whereas a VPS plan is perfect for a startup.
And if you don't or simply can't invest a lot, but still want to take a part in the world of web hosting, you can take a look at our Free Reseller Program. Why? Well, it comes free of charge, and you don't have to pay a dime to start selling web hosting accounts or reliable VPS servers.
Why is the VPS so popular?
The biggest advantage of the cheap VPS servers is the combination of their price and reliability - the VPS servers on offer at ResellersPanel offer low prices as compared with other offers on the market. The fact that we offer cheap VPS servers, however, does not mean that our product is of low quality. We have had more than 6 years of experience in the web hosting world, and while in the beginning we couldn't offer servers as stable as they are now, we can now take pride in saying that we are offering a very stable VPS platform.