How to modify the footer of your reseller template
The turn-key front store templates offer many options for personalization and editing. Once such option is the ability to edit the Footer of the your web site store and thus enhance your private label reseller account. The setting of the Footer can be done very easily and required just few click of the mouse to make you online reseller programs unique.
To reach the Footer editing menu go through the Private Label >> Marketing Tools >> Footer menus of your Free Reseller account. This will guide you to the Footer editor page where you have the freedom to express your reseller hosting company by adding different
promotions, logos, or just by advertising your hosting reseller programs with a banner. This section allows you to insert a custom text, banner or HTML code at the bottom of your online store. If you select the Text option and leave it blank, no footer will be displayed at all. If you would like to put a flash animation or banner on your store's footer, you should first upload the file and then insert the corresponding code into the Custom HTML field below. Every one of this options allows you to place unique mark on your web hosting business . The Text field can be used to add a text message, which can attract clients or advertise your promotions. The banner can show the logo of your company and thus brands your store template. The Flash field may be used to display a flash animation, which will make your your private label reseller account more lively and professional. And the Custom HTML field may be used to show your developer capabilities and create your own HTML code that will attract clients and fame your company for the best reseller hosting plans on the net .
The almost infinite possibilities of the reseller program allows you to shape the face of your own company as you have always wanted and become important aspect of the global hosting business. You can become a domain registrar, offer high bandwidth web hosting and the best reseller hosting plans through the web.