Beome a .PRO TLD Domain Name Reseller
The .PRO TLD has a maximum registration period of 10 years. The registration price is $2.99 for 1 year per year. Most people perform WHOIS lookups for the websites they intend to do business with - and they tend to trust more those with domains registered for longer periods of time. This means that if you register a domain for 10 years you’ll profit from your investment. Furthermore, we provide Whois Shield protection services (Whois Privacy service) for just $6.00 per year.
.PRO TLD Reselling Options & Hosting
Thanks to ResellersPanel you’ll be able to resell the .PRO TLD registration services plus those of over 40 other TLDs and ccTLDs (including: .US for the United States, .COM.AU for Australia, .CO.UK for the United Kingdom, .CO.NZ for New Zealand etc.) with every one of the following programs: Free Resellers Program with its own Cloud Web Hosting Packages, the cPanel Resellers Program, the VPS (Virtual Private Servers), the Semi-Dedicated Servers and Dedicated Servers.
Provided you decide to become one of our resellers we’ll host your .PRO domain name within your Resellers Hosting Control absolutely free. Another important fact is that the .PRO domain name can be resold as a stand-alone service without hosting packages with the Domain Manager Plan.
ResellersPanel - an ICANN Accredited Domain Registrar
The ICANN Accredited Registrar - ResellersPanel owned by LiquidNet LTD. offers you a selection of more than 40 TLDs which you can resell. We offer the best prices and provide service unmatched by the competition. Don’t waste your time and money dealing with any sub level domain name resellers when you can do business directly with a registrar.
.PRO TLDs Strategies and Specifics.
Would you like to make your marketing strategy more efficient - if yes, than you should follow the next three steps:
Register as many TLDs as possible for the same domain name - for instance if you have registered a .PRO domain name you should try to also get the .NET, .ORG, .US, .INFO and .EU etc.
Register the same set of keywords in different order.
In case your domain name is comprised of 2 or more words - register a hyphenated version of it. If you have registered a hyphenated domain name - register a version of it without the hyphens.