Update a domain's contact details (WHOIS)
The WHOIS record of a domain name is comprised of information about the domain name itself - when it was registered, when it expires, what the current name servers are and so on, and it also displays the registrant, administrative, technical and billing contact information that has been provided for the domain name during the registration process.
Most domain name types (TLDs) that we register offer the option to change these contact details. You can do that via the Domain Manager section (Site Management > Domain Manager) of your Web Hosting Control Panel. In front of each domain name there is an option to select it (put a check mark). Once you do that, you must click on the "Edit WHOIS" button.
You will be forwarded to a page where you can input new contact information for each section - registrant, billing, administrative and technical. Once you fill out the registrant section, and if you wish to use the same contact information for all the other sections, there is an option to copy the same information in the other sections as well. As soon as you are ready with all the changes you wish to make in all the sections of the WHOIS record, simply press the "Next" button at the bottom of the page and that will update the WHOIS record for you. You should see a message "The details have been modified successfully!" to confirm that. Please have in mind that WHOIS changes may require up to 24 hours to update worldwide.
NOTE: The contact information for the following domain TLDs cannot be changed: .co.uk, .org.uk, .me.uk, .ca, .eu, .be, .atPlease be informed that the WHOIS record is public and anyone on the Internet can look up the WHOIS record of any domain name that is currently registered. This exposes your personal contact details, incl. name, address, etc. to the public. If you wish to purchase the WHOIS ID protection service that helps conceal your personal data and protect it from malicious use such as spam e-mails and telemarketing, please refer to the "WHOIS/ID Protection" article.
Have in mind that providing false contact information in the WHOIS record is considered illegal and may result in cancellation of the domain registration. Therefore that is not an alternative to the WHOIS ID protection service.