Own a Domain Name
You can own a domain name by registering it through a reseller or directly with a ICANN Accredited Registrar such as ourselves. If you purchase the domain name through a reseller of a Registrar that means that you will be paying more.
This is so because the Reseller will purchase the domain name from the Registrar. The registrar on its own will purchase the domain name from the specific TLD's Registry. For example the .COM registry is VerySign.
Since registrants can not purchase domain names directly from the registry, the only logical choice will be to always get your domain names directly from an ICANN Accredited Registrar.
You as a owner of the domain name will also be referred to as Registrant. The registrant information will be your personal information which will be available publicly on the whois for the domain name. The registrant as the owner of the domain name can manage the domain name, as he sees fit.
Not to worry. If you do not want this information to be public your can purchase a WHOIS Shield Protection which will cover this information.