Become a .CA Domain Name Reseller
Become one of our authorized resellers and start reselling the .CA TLD, which is the country code domain name for Canada, from as low as $18.50 for 1 year USD for 1 year.
.CA TLD Reselling Options & Hosting
If you become an authorized reseller for ResellersPanel, you will benefit from domain name reselling possibilities far exceeding anything you have seen so far. Each of our unique services can be offered with the .CA ccTLD as well as more than 40 other TLDs. This means that you can resell the .CA ccTLD with our Free Resellers Program, cPanel Resellers Program, VPS (Virtual Private Servers), Semi-Dedicated Servers and Dedicated Servers. A .CA ccTLD can also be offered with each of our Hosting Packages.
Being a reseller means that your .CA domain name will be hosted for free within the Reseller Hosting Control Panel. In addition, you can also offer the .CA Domain Name with the Domain Manager Plan, as an independent service without hosting packages.
.CA TLD Strategies and Specifics.
In order to register a .CA TLD you need to have a Canadian citizenship or a Canadian company. The registration period is from 1 up to 10 years.
If you'd like to enjoy unprecedented success in your new domain name reselling business, you can register various different TLDs (such as .NET, .ORG, .US, .INFO, etc). Alternatively, you could register several .CA top level domain names which have similar meaning. Afterwards, point all of the additional domain names you have registered to the main one and boost its popularity.
.CA ccTLD Strategies and Specifics.
You should register your .CA ccTLD for as many years as you're allowed to. If you plan to resell domain names or any other kind of services or products, you should be aware that most of the customers nowadays perform a WHOIS check through their search engines (it's quick and free for everyone) before actually making a purchase. When they do this and discover that you have registered your store for 10 years (the maximum period for a CA ccTLD), they will learn that you're serious and planning to stay. This will lead to better marketing success.
You can register the .CA domain name that you desired more than once, if you register it with different TLDs such as: .NET, .ORG, .US, .INFO and so on.
After you've registered your domain name which contains your desired set of keywords, you can register more similar domain names if you rearrange them.
You can register a multiple-word domain name several times if you use hyphens.
In order to have better marketing success, you should be popular online. A clever way to achieve this is to register more similar domain names for your products and / or services. You can even register identical domain names, if they have different TLDs. Thus, you'll gain popularity much more quickly, especially if you've recently started your business.
ResellersPanel - an ICANN Accredited Domain Registrar
ResellersPanel is an ICANN Accredited Registrar for the .CA ccTLD as well as more than 40 other TLDs. Getting your domain names directly from a Registrar means better prices (as compared to a sub level reseller) and a high-standard customer and technical supports services. You can register a .CA TLD for just $18.50 for 1 year / year.