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Latest Updates To The 3Box Web Store Template

Publish Date: Friday, October 12, 2007

It is our utmost pleasure to announce the latest update touches to our turn-key template - 3Box. Since its initial launch, the new template has passed through many update procedures aimed at taking it to the best customization level possible. Thanks to our continuous efforts to increase the private label business opportunities and to our resellers' valuable recommendations, we've managed to come up with something that clearly illustrates the power of collaboration.

The latest series of updates significantly increased the possibilities for our free resellers to tailor the store web template to their own requirements and also according to the concrete marketing strategy they have adopted. Now the customization options, in terms of both layout and functionality, are much wider than they were before. We focused our efforts on increasing the flexibility of the template's index page so that you can make your storefront as thematic and representative of your private brand conception as possible.

If you now visit the Edit Boxes section of your Reseller Control Panel (under Website Templates) you will discover the abundance of options for setting up the 'face' of your FREE hosting reseller online store. We loaded both promotion fields (Area 1 and 2) with plenty of new dynamic banners that are arranged in separate categories for your convenience. You will have the possibility to choose the theme of each area, as each banner will provide the visitor with an overview tour dedicated to the features related to that theme. The small area could promote the free Service Bonuses, the Elefante Installer in particular, or the Data Center networks. If you would like to be more neutral in your offering, then you could choose the overall service tour, or simply place a domain search form.

The big promo area provides a wider selection of categories due to its possibility to 'say more' to the potential customer. You can more aggressively promote a given plan by choosing one of the Special Offer banners. Another option for you will be to advertise the 3-click marketing message, related to the easiness of using your services, or to just lead the prospect through the overall Service Tour. If you'd like to be more specific, then you may prefer to choose an Elefante Tour or a data center - focused banner.

In addition to updating the ad areas, we increased the number of the Product Box Color Schemes, by adding over 30 background color patterns! Now you can play with the colors to choose the best combination for your web hosting packages' title and price boxes. We also added new banners to the internal pages to synchronize the promo areas with the corresponding page content, and also made some less visible, but also that constructive content adjustments.

All the improvements to the layout and functionality of the new template were subject to one basic goal - to give you as much freedom as possible in turning your private brand marketing concept into online reality, without any additional costs. The template's new face now elevates the advantages of our FREE reseller program to a new level and surely gives a hint on the upcoming exclusive releases from unique reseller hosting network.

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